Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis: sample menu

vegetables and fruits with pancreatitis

The diet for pancreatic pancreatitis begins no later than 4 days (previously only complete starvation).

According to the generally accepted classification of diets used in hospitals, proper nutrition for pancreatitis is №5 Penza diet. With the exception of snacks between main meals, meals should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.

The essence of the diet is the rejection of all foods that increase the production of acid in the stomach and stimulate the active work of pancreatic enzymes. After the exacerbation of the disease, doctors strongly recommend fasting for a long time - at least 8 months.

General recommendations

A proper diet for pancreatitis every day is important to prevent pain attacks or at least reduce their severity.

  1. With acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of the chronic form, all foods should be pureed, boiled or steamed, which ensures maximum stomach retention.
  2. It is better to steam food - so it retains nutrients and does not harm the body. Meals should be taken in small portions about 5-6 times a day.
  3. Overeating is not allowed, because it creates an increasing burden not only on the pancreas, but also on the digestive system as a whole.
  4. Do not eat cold or hot food, food should be hot. The optimum temperature is 20 - 50 °.

For pancreatic pancreatitis, the diet should be nutritious, containing increasing amounts of protein, but reduced amounts of fats and carbohydrates (especially sugar) to prevent the liver from converting to fatty hepatosis and the development of diabetes.

Prohibited foods

It is necessary to exclude from your diet or even to give up the following forever:

  • greasy;
  • fried;
  • acids;
  • sour juices;
  • Canned food;
  • sausage;
  • smoked meat;
  • chocolate;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol;
  • hot spices and seasonings.

Make sure your diet is varied and consists of both plant foods and animal proteins.

Prohibited food for pancreatitis

Recommended meals and snacks

You should pay attention to such products:

  1. Non-acidic cottage cheese, hard cheese varieties.
  2. With vegetarian cereal and vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, squash, pumpkin, carrots, noodles, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal. Add 5 g of butter or 10 g of sour cream to the soup.
  3. Steamed, oven-baked, lean meat and poultry, meatballs, meatballs and meat stews.
  4. Baked apples, jelly or fruit compote without sugar.
  5. Dried white bread or cruton, dry biscuits.
  6. Boiled porridge (buckwheat, oats, semolina, rice) or puree, noodles boiled in water or half in milk.
  7. In the broth, tea, slightly brewed with milk or hips, slightly sweetened.

It is also important not to overeat, reducing the daily amount of food to 2. 5 kilograms, taking into account the intoxication. Food is taken often and in small portions. Adherence to all nutritional guidelines for pancreatitis can significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy in general.

buckwheat porridge with pancreatitis

Nutrition for exacerbation of pancreatitis

With the exacerbation of chronic forms of pancreatitis, the first 1-2 days - on a starvation diet, the patient is allowed to drink only 1-2 cups of hips decoction 0, 8-1 liters of alkaline mineral water (1 cup 4) like Borjomi. - 5 times a day). In general, 200 ml of fluid is given 6 times a day. In severe cases, drinking is not allowed, food is only intravenous drip.

Two days later, for the next week, apply a special diet for pancreatitis - diet No. 5p, which contains several options. Its purpose is to reduce the formation of stomach acid and to create conditions for the pancreas to concentrate all its forces in the process of struggle for survival.

Sample menu for a week with pancreatitis

In order not to make it difficult to get used to the new way of eating, we have prepared for you a weekly menu with pancreatitis.

Example № 1

  • Breakfast. Steamed meat (chicken or beef). Tea or rose water.
  • Lunch. Oatmeal with milk. Rose hips broth or infusion.
  • Supper. Carrot and pumpkin puree soup. Steamed fish. Tea.
  • Lunch snack. 1 jar of baby food.
  • Supper. Vegetable casserole made of pumpkin and carrots. A piece of boiled chicken. Compote from dried fruits.
  • At night. A glass of kefir

Example № 2

  • Breakfast. Meatballs or scrambled eggs steamed from two egg whites. You can also make breakfast with cottage cheese pudding or boiled fish.
  • Lunch. Homemade cottage cheese - 150 grams. A cup of milk tea
  • Supper. Vegetarian mashed potato soup with a little sour cream. Steamed meatballs.
  • Lunch snack. Protein omelet 2 eggs or 30 grams of cheese. A glass of rose water.
  • Supper. Meat stuffed with 100 g of meat and 10 g of bread omelet; steamed meatballs; boiled chicken - about 80-90 grams. A cup of milk tea
  • At night. Low-fat, sugar-free cottage cheese - 100 grams. A glass of fruit jelly.

Example № 3

  • Breakfast: cheese biscuit.
  • Second breakfast: steamed omelet, bread and tea.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, boiled zucchini, cottage cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: grated apples.
  • Dinner: oatmeal, beet salad, baked apples.
kefir with pancreatitis

Example № 4

  • Breakfast: boiled beef, oatmeal in milk, tea.
  • Second breakfast: omelet, baked apple, hip juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, beef souffle, pasta, sweet berry jelly, compote.
  • Lunch snack: cottage cheese and tea.
  • Dinner: fish souffle, tea.

Example № 5

  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal, a slice of white bread, still mineral water.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese pudding, 100 g of apple puree, tea.
  • Lunch: 400 ml of vegetable puree soup, 200 g of pumpkin porridge, 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 g of meat bread, 100 g of cottage cheese casserole, 200 ml of jelly.

Example № 6

  • Breakfast. Mashed potatoes (200 g) meatballs (105 g), grated milk porridge (200 g), tea.
  • Lunch. cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Supper. Mashed potatoes and carrot soup (250 g), croutons, 110 g of steamed meat souffle, buckwheat porridge (200 g), compote.
  • Lunch snack. 110 g steamed protein omelet.
  • Supper. Steamed fish roll (250 g), tea.
  • At night. A glass of yogurt.

Example № 7

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal (300 g), meat souffle (110 g), tea.
  • Lunch. cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Supper. Fried oatmeal soup (250 g), steamed meat cutlets (110 g) carrots and mashed potatoes (200 g) and milk sauce, baked apples.
  • Lunch snack. Protein omelet.
  • Supper. Meatballs (110 g) with milk puree with carrot puree (150 g), tea.
  • At night. A glass of kefir.

Permitted products can be combined or modified for convenience. Then your weekly menu will be more diverse.